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Writer's picture: Gina JohansenGina Johansen

Hi Guys,

Do you listen to podcast?

When are you usually listening to your podcast? and what sort of podcast do you enjoy to listen to?

I started to listen to podcast last year when I heard about Rich roll and i was sold.

Why Listen to a podcast?

There is so many different kind of podcast out there and it depends what you want to get out of it,

It is definitely something for everyone.

I personally listen to podcast that gives me inspiration, or interesting information surrounding health and fitness.

I believe listen to podcast can help if you are feeling stressed or have hard to turn of your brain, If you find an interesting podcast that you like you will concentrate on the podcast and not stressing about everything else around you at that moment. Kind of the same thing when you are relaxing in front of a good a movie.

When is it a good time to listen to a podcast?

  • In the car, instead of music.

  • When you out on a long run or a walk.

  • At the gym on the bike, treadmill, rower.

  • Nothing more boring than stretching, a podcast is perfect to make the time go faster.

  • When you are cooking dinner or cleaning.

  • Nice relaxing bath and a interesting podcast in the background

  • On the bus.

My favourite podcasts is..

Rich Roll

Rich Roll is a man full of inspiration. From living a very poor lifestyle involved with drugs, alcohol and over weight, he decided to change his lifestyle at age 40, became vegan and started to train and not long after he manage to gain entry to Ultraman a three day event based on Ironman, but the distans is the double, he finished 11th overall and he also have been awarded the title of one of 2009's '25 fittest Guys in the world' by Men's fitness magazine.

" Each week Rich Delves deep into all things wellness with some of the brightest and most forward thinking, paradigm bursting minds in health, fitness, nutrition, art entertainment, entrepreneurship & spirituality"

My favourite episode on Rich podcast is the conversation with Dean Karnazes , One of the best endurance athletes in the world.

Maraton Podden

Maraton Podden is a Swedish podcast about endurance sport, mostly Running, cycling, skiing, swimming and triathlon. Petra Månström is a Swedish journalist who loves running and have done a few ultramarathon. She will have different guests every week on her podcast.

Maraton podden is my favourite podcast!

My favourite episode is The episode with Emelie Forsberg A Swedish mountain runner or the two episode with Runne Larsson a Swedish ultramarathon runner.

Coltings Nakna Sanning

Jonas Colting is Swedish triathlon athlete who have won Ultraman twice.

" Coltings Nakna Sanning" is a podcast there Jonas discusses popular topics surrounding health, wellness, fitness and training,

Jonas talks about anything from training, different diets, how the sun is affecting us or why we shouldn't eat sugar.

Now I want to hear about your favourite Podcast..


I'm still a little bit sick so I haven't train since Friday, but I'm feeling a little bit better so hopefully I can train on Friday again. Tomorrow I'm working 9:00 - 21:00 , a very long day.

I bought a Garmin adventure camera today, I can't wait to take the camera with me on my trail runs around the rainforest, so I can share some cool stuff with you gusy. Hopefully I can explore new trails on the weekend when I'm off work and share that with you guys.

// Gina Johansen xx

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