My big dream and plan is to ski to the South Pole and set the speed record for women from the Hercules Inlet. I’m realizing that if I’m going to have enough time for training and getting all gear/equipment in place for the record attempt, I would have needed to have most of my finances in place at this point.
And since I aim to do this expedition without taking up tooo big loans and put myself in a tight financial position, I have chosen to set the departure date one year ahead, in the fall of 2025!!
I’m looking forward to work hard to get everything in place for next year, together with a good team and many exciting plans underway, especially with my guiding & adventure company. In the meantime, I really wish Hege Victoria, Karen and AK soooo much luck on their expeditions to the South Pole! I’m right behind you!
This summer I will participate in couple of running event at following dates:
12/7 Rásttigáisá 12 km uphill race 1000 m.
17/8 Lyngen skyrace 15 km.
30/8 Explo Ekstremeløp 2,4 km (sherpastairs)
31/8 Tromsø mountain challenge 25 km
21/9 Fyri trail 29 km
If you are interested in guiding or talks you can read more at the link below:
// Gina Johansen